Monday, May 23, 2011

Feathers and fringe

Spell and the Gypsy collective is one of my favorite blogs, but the best part is that these two sisters have a line of fantastic accessories, jewelry, and clothing.  I wanted to share the love. I mean common  what girl isn't obsessed with fringe, feathers, and anything a little bit gypsy right now. I know I am! 

Pocahontas Warrior boots
Bone and Tassel bag
White Amulet bracelet with skull and dog tooth talisman
Buffalo Girl wildflower blue bird  tassel bag

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Our Desert Picnic

We had a wonderful time shooting with the lovely Debbie Kilduff.
I had this vision for a desert picnic and I am so happy to have found Debbie to put it into motion!
Hope you enjoy as well!
 Debbie has all the rights to the photos. So please no stealing unless you contact her personally.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Muse Mondays

The Lovelies from Mad Men

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For the past year it has been my intention to begin watching Mad Men.  For whatever reason life got in the way or I became slightly obsessed with other dramatic series that took priority.  I knew so many people who have fallen in love with the fashion and well lets face it the dramatic plot between some of the most beautiful people out there..and I have now fallen under that spell as well.  For the past two weeks Anthony and I have begun watching the first season. Episode after episode I began to understand why it is that the show was so captivating.  For a girl who loves fashion, especially vintage threads, this was exceptional eye candy.  Gorgeous people everywhere and a storyline that reveals a enough to keep you intrigued but not enough to expose the truth of each characters purpose. It is suspenseful. If it wasn't for waiting for Netflix we would be completely finished with season one and way into season two. I look forward to understanding each character more and continue this love affair.

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